Accepted Media File Formats


  • Images can be uploaded as .jpg, .png, .gif, or .bmp (bitmap). 
  • Images are automatically converted to .jpgs with a maximum size of 800×600. If the image is smaller than that it will not be converted. It is preferable to upload an image that is too large rather than one that is too small.
  • Templates will adjust to the aspect ratio except in some of the older Flash 7 interactive templates, where the picture should be uploaded in a 4:3 ratio; or it may appear to be distorted.


  • Must be in HTML5.
  • If your HTML5 movie contains multiple files, you can ZIP them all up (preserving the directory structure) and upload the .zip file. You will then be directed to choose the ‘main’ index.html file that loads your complex animation.


  • Can be uploaded in .mov, .avi, .mpg, .wmv, .flv or .mp4 format.
  • Uploaded videos will be streamed from a private Vimeo site.
  • You can also load movies hosted on third party sites such as YouTube or Vimeo using the “embed code” that you paste into the HTML editor in a text space.

Note: If you would prefer to stream your videos from your own YouTube or Vimeo channel, choose the embed option.


  • Narrations must be in .mp3 format.

lightbulbTip: Videos tend to be large files and therefore time consuming to upload. You may find it quicker to upload video that you’ve already compressed.

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