What is a Cloud-Based Authoring Tool? 

November 16, 2022

Almost everyone has heard of mobile apps, websites, and servers, as well as cloud-based software. However, do you actually know what it means for technology to exist on a cloud or to be cloud-based? Also, what about authoring tools for eLearning?  

 Let’s explore what a cloud-based authoring tool is and what cloud-based authoring tools can do for your organization and its learners. We’ll also examine what it means to have cloud-based software for eLearning in general.   

What is a Cloud-Based Authoring Tool?  

In general, to exist in a cloud space means the information is accessible anywhere there is access to the Internet.  You can also administer eLearning materials from everywhere this access exists. A learning management system (LMS) typically houses the authoring tool, so all learning content can be curated, delivered, and assessed from anywhere. It really is as easy as it sounds.  Cloud-based software was created and implemented to make all of our lives easier with more accessible technology.  

Now let’s continue to the benefits of course-authoring tools!  

What are the Benefits of Using a Cloud-Based Learning Management System?  

Now that you have an understanding of the cloud-based authoring tool, let’s explore the benefits that come from implementing this tool. There are endless benefits to using a cloud-based tool, but let’s explore these four main concepts of the cloud-based learning tool.  

1 Enhanced Data Security  

  • Users don’t have to worry about losing information or having someone claim it because it is saved and shared on the cloud-based system. All of the data is constantly backed up. Also, an LMS provider ensures that all connections are secure and valid.  

2 Promotes Group Learning  

  • A cloud-based system gives employees and students the opportunity to access learning programs from a central location. All team members and students can directly work on their assignments and upload them to the cloud-based system. There is also a tool for users to provide feedback. It is very beneficial for students and employees to obtain constructive feedback that will help them in their future assignments.  

3 Saves Time & It’s Affordable  

  • The majority of cloud-based learning management systems are cost-effective and can be customized to fit a specific budget. Udutu is confident that your business will gain a lot from the cloud-based tool, that we even offer a free trial.  

4 Increases Productivity and User Retention  

  • Having access to the learning courses of your students or employees can help you get an inside look at their strengths and weakness. From the learning courses, you can see where someone is efficient and where they need additional training. Also, businesses can determine if they are employing the right people in the correct position based on their skills and interests.  

Advantages of the Course Authoring Tool  

Through these benefits and more  you and your learners can succeed together. A course authoring tool gives you the power to redefine education and change the learning experience. Everyone has to go through some type of learning experience or training period. Therefore, an organization should be prepared to provide proper training.  

Course authoring tools and eLearning solutions are at the forefront of merging these experiences for the better. If you want to be ahead of your competitors or at the top of your industry, start using a cloud-based course authoring tool to manage your learning and development programs.  

Additionally, advantages of cloud-based authoring tools are that they can be accessed from anywhere and on any device. No downloads required. They can provide collaborative environments regardless of location. Remote work teams can develop content in the same workspace reusing shared resources.  

Things to Consider Before Investing in an Authoring Tool  

There are many factors to consider before implementing an authoring tool for your organization. 

Let’s examine some main points to consider. 

1. Is eLearning for you? How can it benefit your organization?  

  • Think about how much training and onboarding you offer or how many students you service at any time. Then consider where those learners are and how you have access to them – in person, online, or hybrid settings. LMS can benefit you, but it is important to have a plan before signing on to outsourcing learning and development solutions. 

2. What is your budget when it comes to training and development programs?  

  • Is the budget currently being utilized to its max or even efficiently? Are resources going to waste? If you don’t sit down and crunch the numbers, you won’t understand where your money is going and what the actual payoff is of that investment. A high-quality LMS provider will be worth the money!  

3. What learning solutions are you looking for?  

  • Some people want to increase information retention and others just want students to interact socially. Yet others still crave a better academic tracking system. A course authoring tool can do all these and more, but sometimes you might be taken advantage of by paying for features you don’t need.  

4. What flexibility do you need?  

  • Contracts, projects, short-term training needs, and more. It is good to know what you want or need from a third-party course authoring tool to best satisfy your needs for success.  

5. What hesitations do you have? Write them down and talk them through!  

Udutu Offers an Effective Authoring Tool and eLearning Guide!  

Here at Udutu, we understand how challenging it can be to make learning diverse, fresh, and fun, especially all at the same time. That is why we offer a low-cost course authoring tool to take the hard work out of learning and development programs. From training to ongoing curriculum enhancements, a course authoring tool can help you do it all – from the ease of one centralized location: the cloud! No more textbooks, printed papers, or brick-and-mortar style learning. Udutu can be your authoring tool and eLearning guide for whatever and whenever you need something. 

All decisions made by and with your authoring tool will be under your control. Therefore, we will make every effort to keep you at ease during the entire process. You can customize your learning solutions to your needs and wants with no extra bells and whistles without your input. Plus, the authoring tool is included for free with any LMS account. Ready to learn more?  

 Contact us now to get started.  

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